
We offer great hotels and free and helpful Travel Advisors for your perfect vacation. Find your best-priced vacations guaranteed by our price match promise.

We have built our own powerful booking engine. Our system is fast and makes it easy to find the LOWEST FARES to book your flight quickly. No other travel site is as INNOVATIVE as Sky-tours.

Furthermore, we don't just search flights like our competitors. Instead, we COMPARE multiple airlines flight segments to achieve better connection times, lower fares, and give you more choices.

With our efficient customer support system, if you have a question, problem, or need expert advice -- we're always here to help you!

All replies come from real EXPERT travel agents. When you contact us, you'll get a HELPFUL REPLY... and you'll get it fast. (Usually within 8 hours during the business week.) To us, you're a valued customer -- NOT a number!

Our agents are also multi-lingual. When you call other agencies, you may find they don't speak your language. At Sky-tours -- we provide worldwide customer service in 30 different languages.

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  • March 25, 2025 11:35 am local time

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